He was previously employed as Senior Consultant in “Certificate Markets”
with Ecofys GmbH, worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers Corporate Finance Beratung GmbH as a Senior Consultant in the emissions trading field and with DIN CERTCO Gesellschaft für Konformitätsbewertung mbH, where as product manager he was responsible for environmental and IT
certification. As a publicly certified expert for verification in greenhouse gas emission trading, registered and approved by the Berlin Chamber of Commerce and Industry (from 07/2004 until 10/2004), the Duesseldorf Chamber of Commerce and Industry (from 11/2004 until 10/2008), the Essen Chamber of Commerce and Industry (from 11/2008 until 12/2016), and the Hagen Chamber of Commerce and Industry (from 01/2017), he was involved in the verification of CO2 allocationapplications from the beginning of the EU emission trading scheme.
In addition, he worked as a consultantfor various companies and associations in an advisory capacity, substantiating
hardship applications to do with the allocation of emissions rights and on
issues of fairness and reasonableness in relation to European
“Monitoring and Reporting Guidelines” for certain sectors.
Furthermore, he was
responsible for the development and design of an EDP-supported registry system
for tradeable eco-power certicates, developed a verification system for CO2
emission reductions in line with the Kyoto protocol for "Verified Emission Reductions" and carried out
international verification projects. In this context, he was involved in
standardisation projects for the German Standards Authority
Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN), and the Association of German Engineers
Verein Deutscher Ingenieure
(VDI) as well as the
„International Organization for Standardization“ (ISO) on the verification of CO2 emissions or emission reductions.on the matter of verifying CO2 emissions or emission
Mr. Weber
carries out verifications of greenhouse gas emissions as from 2013 onwards according to EU Regulation 600/2012 and 601/2012 as associated expert for Müller BBMCert GmbH.